Eclectic Randomness: Affiliate Vendors

Affiliate Vendors

The Eclectic Randomness Affiliate Program gives you the opportunity to sell our products in your mall, club or retail location, while turning a profit as well! ER Affiliates receive a 20% commission on all product sales through their vendors.

Choose one item to display, or choose them all. All of the ER products you know and love are included in the affiliate pack, in both single-item, and multiple-item “arrow” vendors. You decide which items and vendor-styles suit your customers and location best.

How do I become an ER Affiliate?

Becoming an ER Affiliate is as easy as can be. Simply visit one of our inworld locations, and look for the ER Affiliate Pack vendor (pictured above). Then simply click the vendor, and select “Sign me up!“, and you’ll be given a box with all the latest ER Affiliate vendors. It couldn’t be simpler!

How do I use the affiliate vendors?

ER Affiliate Vendors are powered by the popular CasperVend networked vendor system, so if you’re familiar with that system, you already know how they work.

Using the affiliate vendors really couldn’t be simpler.

  • Unpack the box of vendors (just rez the box, it should unpack itself).
  • Choose the vendor(s) that you’d like to rez.
  • If the land is group owned, be sure to wear the group tag.
  • Drag the vendor to the ground.
  • Grant debit permission (required).
  • If necessary, click the vendor and select “Go Online”.

How will I receive my commission?

When the customer buys an item from one of your vendors, the full purchase price will go to your account. Then the vendor will send several portions of that amount, to various people, depending on the item and it’s settings. Below is an example:

  • Let’s say that a customer buys item for 200L$.
  • The vendor pays 4L$ (2%) to CasperVend.
  • The vendor pays 156L$ (78%) to Winter Ventura, that’s me.

Of the original 200L$ that the customer paid into the vendor, you keep 40L$ (20%).

These numbers will vary of course, but the general principle still applies. Some products will have more profit sharing, and you may see payments going out to various names like “Accounting Binder”, “jadz0r Conover”, and “Kyrah Abattoir”… but don’t worry. The total amount of shares sent out will always leave you with 20% of the purchase price to keep.

What kind of vendors are included?

Eclectic Randomness’ product selection is.. Eclectic.. and Random. Not every product we offer will appeal to every person, and not every product is going to be appropriate for every affiliate location. YOU know your location and your customers better than we ever could, so whether it’s prim counts, vendor styles, or deciding which products to display, we’ve put the power to choose into your hands.

Inside the ER Affiliate Pack, we’ve included a few different styles of vendors:

  • Individual product vendors – 1 prim each, 1 product each.
  • Multiple-product “Arrow” vendors – 1 prims each (1 product at a time)
  • Multiple-product “Arrow” vendors – 1 prims each (7 products at a time)

ER’s products are also broken down into themed “groups” as well. Avatars and Accessories, Genitals, Buildings, Toys and Furniture, etc. Because some items overlap in their appeal, they may appear in more than one set.

How can I make sure I have all the latest items?

When you unpack the affiliate pack, you’ll be automatically subscribed to our affiliates mailing list. Each time ER releases a new product, we’ll put together a little update pack, and send it out to you. Rezzing the box also causes a check for the latest version, just in case you’re rezzing an old pack. The box also includes a handy “Update Checker” device that lets you check for new versions whenever you like.

Of course you can always drop by the store any time, and use the sign-up board to get the latest pack of “all vendors”.

How much is this gonna cost me?

Nothing. The ER affiliate pack is completely free, and there are never any fees associated with being an ER Affiliate.

Alright, I'm interested! Where do I sign up?

Available for free at:

Our Inworld Store

or grab a pack on the

SL Marketplace!