Eclectic Randomness: ER Mesh Latex Corsets

Friday, July 4, 2014

ER Mesh Latex Corsets


Today I am pleased to announce the release of these new ER Mesh Latex Corsets!

These shiny rigged mesh corsets come in the familiar 12 latex colors from Eclectic Randomness. Each corset pack comes with ER's appearance control HUD, which comes pre-loaded with 6 combinations between the chosen color, and black. What's that you say? You want a black corset? Pick any color... there's a solid black one in every pack!

The ER Mesh Latex Corsets are materials enabled, with custom normals and specular maps.. which means they'll look even better with "Advanced Lighting" or "Shadows" turned on in your viewer.

But here's the real exciting news. Inside each of these new corsets, is ER's new RLV locking system! Gone are the "key holder" struggles, and that oh-so-tempting escape button too! The new system has much more of what we've all come to expect from RLV enabled locking attachments: support for multiple owners, timelocks, self bondage, and more.

Check them out on the SL Marketplace!